Wednesday, May 15, 2013


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  1. I enjoyed the way you tie in your family to enhance your speech. You have a lot of great lessons from your massive family.

  2. Yanni:
    Great pictures! I love that you based it around family. Spice girls are great though...

  3. I think it's really cool how close you are with your family, I wish I had that!

  4. Your theme was great! I loved how you put parts of your manifesto into your presentation.

  5. Yanni- I love your stories and how honest your were. I thought you were confident and intriguing.

  6. I liked your speech. I liked how you connected it to your huge family and how you had a powerful influence like your sister in your life

  7. Yanni good to hear your were real close with your family and putting up with all the "girly things" in your life with your sisters.

  8. Even though the speech was less enthusiastic and the nervous movements was somewhat distracting, I still was captivated by the theme of "Family" and what you pulled away from your time with yours.

  9. I enjoyed learning about your extensive family. You are like a greek Matt Damon, your big family is something you care about and value.

  10. Yanni,
    Well prepared presentation and the humor with your childhood was a great touch. Your theme of family is very good and I like the way you look up to your sisters and your connection with your family.

  11. Yanni, you did a great job, you spoke well, and told your stories confidently

  12. Good job, you made good points and looked confident.

  13. I liked that your theme was family. You did a great job explaining how your family made you who you are today.

  14. Your theme of family is very fitting. My brother is the only boy in my family, so I can see your situation pretty well. The way you interwove quotes from the manifesto was cool as well.

  15. Good job Yanni. I respect your strong family values. I have the same.

  16. I really enjoyed hearing about your family! This is one of my favorite presentations by far, good job!

  17. It was good to get to know you through your presentation. Nice speech as well as being outspoken.

  18. I like how your family is very close to you and how much you care for them. I like how you were very driven to try your hardest at school.

  19. Yanni, I love how your family life is so strong and connected with each other. It was wonderful to hear that your family still is one of the main parts of your life. It was interesting to hear how you started doing things that were your own and you knew your sisters would hate on purpose. Next time I just recommend that your look more at the audience and not at the board so much.

  20. I liked hearing about your huge greek family and I thought you did a really good job on your speech and body language

  21. I like how important your family is to you and how you were able to explain that in your presentation. Good job with posture and dressing up nice.

  22. Yanni, your stories about your huge greek family were awesome. Your speech was well written and your body language was impeccable.

  23. Really good job of tying in your manifesto to your speech! I really liked all of your childhood pictures.

  24. Family really is the most important and I truly admire how close you and your entire family are.

  25. I really liked how you opened up to us about your family! It was really cool and I loved all the pictures!
