Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wednesday May 8

Today in class we watched a short video on body language to keep in mind for your Last Lecture Presentation.

5 points to keep in mind:
1. Do a power pose before you present.
2. Make yourself big while you talk so people take you more serious.
3. Make small tweaks to make big changes.
4. Make eye contact!
5. Fake it until you become it.

Before Monday you need to share, drop box, or make sure you jump drive works, your LL presentation.

Reminder of who goes when:

13th: Savannah A, Matt D, Zach L, Sam C, Brendan R, Zach B, Morgan, Elle, Caro, Jenny.

15th: Jon, Kristen, Jessica, Justin, Yanni, Savannah R, Trevor, Patrick, Jason, Eli

17th: Colton, Trisitan, Jeff, Allie, Michelle, Jackie, Brooke, Luc.

20th: Ava, Jenna, Kimberly, John, & Adi (Juniors)

Today we also took a quiz, you got to choose between 1-9 or 10-18 see smith if you missed. We also handed In our manifestos so make sure to get that to Smith ASAP and drop box it!

For Friday: continue to work on LL presentation

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