Friday, March 22, 2013

Scribe March 22

If you are reading this: IT IS PROBABLY SPRING BREAK! yes.

Today was March 22, 2013 and it was a long, and painful day, but we all made it through it! Mrs. Smith understood our pre-break pain, and so she gave us a pretty easy day.

Here was our agenda for the day:

  • Quiz on The Picture of Dorian Gray, chapters 16-20
  • Check in The Picture of Dorian Gray
  • Check out Brave New World
  • Work time on the Last Picture: Part II

Here is your homework:

  • If you missed today:
    • Find Mrs. Smith after break to take your 16-20 quiz
    • If you want to get ahead, find a copy of Brave New World and start reading

  • Everyone else:
    • Start reading Brave New World
    • WORK ON LAST LECTURE - Due April 5th (the Friday we get back from break)
    • Have a great break!
If you’re trying to figure out what copy we are using, here’s what it looks like:

If you want to see anything that has gone on this week, or what we will do when we come back, check on this link: Weekly Agenda

If you need some inspiration for how to write your last lecture, you can read Mrs. Smith’s one because it may help. Here is the link: Smith Last Lecture part 2

Last, if you are still struggling with your Last Lecture, or you want to talk to Mrs. Smith about what you missed, I bet she would be willing to talk if you email her at

Have an amazing break and try not to think about school too much. I know I won’t!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

17-20 blog question

Today in class we stumbled across the arguement of nature vs. nurture. where one side depicts that where you were born or the people you grew up around is the type of person you will become, whereas the other side says it where you come from or who you grew up around doesnt mean thats who you will be; you can become whoever you want and do whatever you want. which side do you believe in? Which side dis Dorian fall into?

Scribe 3/20

SCRIBE 3/20/13

We had a great start to a nice Wednesday morning as the weather keeps improving. It is exciting to say goodbye to school for a week and welcome spring break and the relaxation that comes with it.

  • Started with a Fishbowl over chapters 17-20
    • Discussed:
      • Are we always the same person, or do we change who we are depending on the circumstances?
      • Nature vs Nurture
      • Did Lord Henry create the bad side of Dorian?
      • Did Dorian want to change?
      • What influences who we become? Parents? Circumstances? Spirituality? Mentors?
      • How would you change if you could see every one of your sins manifest physically on your being?
  • Homework- Blog Question, Last Lecture Part 2, Be ready for quiz over 16-20


Scribe 3-20

Happy Wednesday!

We did a fishbowl today so make sure you look on the blog and answer the question due Friday.

Study for the quiz this Friday.

Work on Last Lecture Part 2.

We Facetimed her son so if you missed it then sorry.

Dorian Gray 17-20 Fishbowl

Monday, March 18, 2013

Scribe 3-18

It was an early start to this windy Monday morning, but we battled through our impending drowsiness.

  • We read, dissected and annotated the poem 'Harlot House'. Please see Mrs. Smith for the questions that we answered in class with our groups. 
  • We then discussed the 'Harlot House.' Here is an in-depth analysis of the poem. 
    • In class we mentioned that we thought when the girl mentioned in the poem, entered the house she was giving up her soul. From the outside it looked like a grand party but from the inside it was far from her expectations. We also drew conclusions to Dorian Gray by how he sold his soul for the pleasure of his beauty while the girl in the poem sold her soul for the pleasure of the party.
  • Homework: Finish Dorian Grey and prepare for the fishbowl on Wednesday if you are a discusser or a presenter. 
Have a great Monday everyone!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013

Well fellow classmates it was sad to say good bye to Tcap week. Nothing better than sleeping in and staying home while underclassmen have to take tests! however we had a wonderful welcome back...

  • Quiz over chapters 12-15
    • You should definatley read for this one, spark notes will not help you!!!!
  • Then a fantastic fish bowl over chapters 13-16
  • Topics discussed were
    • Who should be held responsible for Dorians actions
    • Who had the graeter influence over Dorian? Lord Henry or Basil?
    • Is Dorians way of life corrupting not only himself but those around him?
  • Blog question over fish bowl
  • Last Lecture 2
  • Read 17-18
Have a safe and fun weekend,



In this part of the story we see the implementations of Dorian having no soul. How does this affect how he feels mentally about his actions? Will he ever be able to repent for what he has done?

Scribe 3-15


Unfortunately TCAPS are over and real school has to start again.
We started off this great-ish Friday with...

  • A quiz over chapters 12-15.
    • Watch out it's a tough one.
  • Then a informing fishbowl was led over chapters 13-16.
    • Many great questions and topics were brought up and there was a lot discussed during the fishbowl.
    • If you have any questions about what happened in the fishbowl ask MATT DONOHOE.
  • Blog question over the fishbowl.
  • Last Lecture 2
  • Read 17-18
Have a Great Weekend,


Dorian Gray 13-16 Fishbowl

Monday, March 11, 2013

March 11, 2013

Happy CSAP week!! Or should I say TCAP. Oh Whatever.

Today was March 11, 2013 and we had a pretty easy class period, however we also gave a certain poem a lot of thought. We walked in today and after the usual “Hello Smith”, she handed out the poem Helas and we split into groups to analyze it.

Here is a link to the poem: Helas

We also answered questions that helped us to break down the poem, and also to relate it to our current book The Picture of Dorian Gray:

1. Which lines show evidence of the hedonistic, aesthetic philosophy Lord Henry advocates?
2. Which lines reveal a “Faustean Pact”?
3. Which is the most important question the speaker of the poem asks?
4. Excluding the title, pick out one word from the poem which is the most revealing about the author’s emotions.
5. After considering the entire poem’s message, what do you think the title, “Helas”, means?
6. What, if anything, surprises you about this poem?

Since this is TCAP week Mrs. Smith has not given us that much homework, but we do have a few things to do.

  • Read Chapters 15-16 in The Picture of Dorian Gray
  • Prepare for the fishbowl on chapters 13-16 on Friday
  • Continue working on the second part of your last lecture; due at the end of the second six weeks

Lastly, if there is any other questions you have about this week or what you have missed, go to this link and check the class powerpoint: Smith English Literature. Have a good week!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Fishbowl 9-12 question

Is Dorian responsible for ruining lives of his friends? Is Lord Henry responsible for ruining the life of Dorian? When do you think is someone responsible for their actions?

Dorian Gray 9-12 Fishbowl

Monday, March 4, 2013

Scribe March 4 Period 1

-Today we took the quiz reviewing chapters 6 through 10. If you were not here today, make sure you have read and reviewed information over these chapters.
-We also created Parent Teacher Conference letters that we would send to our parent or guardian about certain goals and progress in English Literature. The format for this letter can be found on Mrs. Smith's teacher web page under Agenda in the Google Calender, or at this link: Parent Teacher Conference letter
-We may have also read the poem "Helas!" by Oscar Wilde, otherwise we may read or continue it on Wednesday, but it is not for homework.
-Read Chapters 11 and 12 for Wednesday
-Continue work on Last Lecture part 2: Lasting Legacy to Arapahoe High School (Make sure that there is a consistent theme found in both part 1 and 2 of your Last Lecture, so connect part 2 to the main idea found in your part 1)

Scribe 3/4

Today in class:

We took a quiz over chapters 6-10

After that we wrote our Parent Teacher Conference Letters linked here:
Fill this out and turn one hard copy in to Mrs. Smith, and one copy to your parents; it will be what they discuss at conferences instead of the typical boring stuff.

For Homework:
Read chapters 11-12
Work on LL2; lasting legacy to AHS

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Scribe 3/1

Scribe 2/29

Today we had a fishbowl, discussing chapters 5-8. Some main points were:

  • Wilde’s portrayal of women; is it an ugly one?
  • Wilde putting himself in all of the characters
  • Do you think that Dorian even feels bad about Sybil’s suicide?
    • It was thought he didn’t have a true attachment because he was in love with the acting that Sybil did, not her true self
  • Did Wilde actually put himself in the characters?
    • Basil put himself fully in the painting, does that correlate with Wilde?
    • Opposing views
  • Do you think Basil and Dorian’s relationship went downhill once Henry and Dorian became close?
    • Or is it the change in the portrait that offends Dorian?
  • Is the painting becoming older, more grotesque looking because Dorian is gaining brains, and can’t have beauty and brains simultaneously?
    • Is the painting a mirror? Or a window?
    • Foreshadows what he could becomes, but reflecting his inner thoughts
    • Is the painting actually changing? Or is it just in Dorian’s head?
  • Will Sybil’s brother kill Dorian?
    • Does that include destroying the portrait?
    • But James doesn’t know who Dorian is yet, but he could seek him out
    • Though a suicide, won’t let it go until blame can go on someone
  • Did Dorian see the ugly in the painting because of the death of Sybil, and his conscience was shining through?
  • Picture becomes moral compass?
  • Redemption is showing his sins (the picture?)
  • When he dies, what will happen to the picture
  • To be fully good, does he have to fully repent?
  • Dorian’s pact: To stay young, he gave his soul to the portrait. So he is living a life without a soul
    • Genesis (Adam and Eve= Dorian and Sybil, Serpent= Henry, God=Basil)
    • Continues into temptation, but he has no soul so can’t feel it but sees it in the portrait
  • Why was Henry more of an influence?
    • Temptation
    • So who is the creator?
      • Basil
  • Ultimate creator has to leave their creation at some point, but there’s multiple influences (creators) through life
    • learn from experience (right from wrong)

Homework: Read 9-10

Friday, March 1, 2013

Blog Question Chapters 5-8 Fishbowl

“It had altered already, and would alter more. Its gold would wither into grey. Its red and white roses would die. For every sin that he committed, a stain would fleck and wreck its fairness. But he would not sin. The picture, changed or unchanged, would be to him the visible emblem of conscience. He would resist temptation” (Wilde 88) Do you think that Dorian can really resist temptation and sin? Can anyone? If he continues along the bad path he is on, what is going to happen to him and the picture?

Dorian Gray 5-8 Fishbowl