Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Greatest Wrongs

What are some of the greatest wrongs society can commit? Why are they wrong?


  1. One of the greatest wrongs society can commit are crimes. The more crimes that are committed, the worse the society's reputation can get. The news channels rely on these crimes for top stories so they can be successful and more people will view their show. Crime rates are known to increase in cities and decrease in the suburbs. Now a days kids are getting into a lot more trouble because of what they are exposed to. The law says that these crimes are wrong so everyone assumes that they are. People are judged and can even be thrown in jail for these wrongs that they do and that shows what the society can look like as a whole.

  2. I think the greatest wrong a society can commit is hurting its citizens. Not necessarily physically hurting them- they could be put down by the society, told they are stupid, wrong or incapable. It doesn't take the entire society doing this either to cause damage. All it takes is one person to hurt another, it becomes the societies fault when it allows for type of behavior to happen. They are work because it is hurting the societies most valuable resource, the people who make it up. Without these creative wonderful individuals the society is unable to grow and become great.

  3. The greatest wrong our society commits is the lack of community and unity in our country. The reason we do bad things to hurt others in America is because we are distant from each other and don't care for each other. When people feel left out or outcast is when the really bad things start to happen in our country. The people who are outcast feel the need to do something that gives them attention or fame, which usually comes from committing some sort of crime or horrible deed. The worst thing though is not the people did, it is what we do as a society, because what these people do works. They become instantly famous and talked about for months and sometimes years. All of the crime and crap can be removed though if at first we take time as a society to care and love one another.

  4. One of the worst things that a society can do is have a large amount of greed and selfishness throughout. For a society to fourish, people need to care about what it going one in other people's lives rather than just their own. This is even a problem in our own country today. People spend so much time wondering about what will happen to them, what they will buy next, or what others will do for them. They really should be thinking about those less fortunate, and what they can do to help them. I think this is wrong becuase greed and selfishness never lead to something good. I think if we can fix this, we will fix a lot.

  5. Most chaos caused in society traditionally resides in the fact that many people put themselves before others. Example is like a robber or identity thief, who think about their own benefits when receiving the other person's money, not the defaults that person will experience with the loss. But it doesn't just apply to theft, but even to the deepest depths of Dante's inferno-that in the situation of betrayal, there is someone caring for themselves by putting another under the bus. But this all concludes to one thing-something that everyone has been told- that the center of evil is greed. Overall, everyone has done this one sin by committing others, all being done because they wanted to love that other man to disrespecting the parent's wishes in order to attend a party, the intention of getting what is desired creates the greatest wrong in this society.

  6. I think that the greatest wrong a person in our society can commit is anything to do with violence. Whether it is violence to self, others, or a community. I think that violence has the biggest impact on people because the media blows it up the most. Also, when someone is violent it tends to affect more than one person at a time.

  7. I believe the worst thing you can do in a society is stealing. Stealing has a much greater meaning to me than just the usual taking items without permission. When you murder someone you are stealing someones life. When you lie to someone you are stealing the truth from that person. When people are denied life or truth their whole life can crumble to pieces. In Dante's inferno Dante has the truth stolen from him so he must go through the depths of hell in order to find the truth.

  8. I think the greatest wrong a society can make is killing their people. When there is only one person killed or many people, it takes away the happiness of a society and brings about hatred in people. Loosing a loved one is the hardest think one person can go though and I believe that people grow angry after and it causes them to do more horrendous things. If societies loved and valued life more, there would be much less killings which would spread to less violence in general.

  9. The greatest wrong a society can commit is harm to its children. Children are innocent and do not deserve any harm that may come to them. It’s the job of adults (whether or not they have kids) to protect and uplift the children. Harm can come in many different forms. Physical abuse is obviously wrong but so is mental and emotional abuse. In poorer countries in the world, children suffer from malnutrition and have to deal with disease. It’s a sad that from this many children die before they turn five. In the more wealthy countries in the world, there is more mental abuse. I believe this comes from the state of the family. It is better for children to grow up in a home with two married parents who love and care about them more then their own personal needs. Children need to be encouraged and uplifted. Everyone can do it not just parents and those who neglects or abuses their authority as an adult are harming children. IT is a divine calling as a member of the human race to keep children safe. Society will hurt and kill itself if it harms its own children. The children are its future. If they are too week or damaged to carry on the culture of society then the society will fail.

  10. I think one of the greatest wrongs a society can commit is to neglect those in need and those who cannot care for themselves. Often times in society, uncontrollable factors, such as illness, can lead to people who are stuck in a vicious circle and cannot free themselves. Often all they need is a helping hand, be that physically, emotionally, and occasionally, monetarily. In some societies, people who cannot care for themselves, such as the severely mentally ill, are abandoned and left to fend for themselves like wild animal. If people could just open their hearts, then they would see how much their communities would improve.

  11. I believe the greatest wrong a society can commit is betrayal. We, as humans, trust people by second-nature. Everything you do in life, whether it be driving, walking around the city, attending major events, you are always putting your trust in someone and someone is putting their trust in you. The worst thing you can do to someone else, in my opinion, is take that trust, take advantage of their vulnerability, and betray them. The most common betrayal in our society is drunk driving. Cars are a great invention for transportation, but they are also essentially death machines if they are put in the wrong hands. Every driver on the road places their trust, and life in the hands of others; the expectation is to follow the rules of the road and drunk drivers take that trust and throw it down the drain. By their impaired abilities, they lose focus and do not follow the rules of the road properly, leading to the serious harm if not death of another human. If only the trust we place in on another could be 100% reliable, our society would be a wonderful place to be.

  12. I believe that one of the greatest crimes society can commit is to turn on one another. This answer is very broad but when thinking of society, I think of teamwork and a place that works like a compatible machine. Our world today has become so self absorbs that most people only care about themselves. This leads to crime because people start doing whatever will make them feel better.

  13. I think that the greatest wrongs society can commit involve selfish desires. Only thinking about yourself and doing anything that hurts others is detrimental to society as a whole. Sins against other flesh are the sins that affect you and those who are harmed by it.

  14. I think the greatest wrongs society can commit are acts of selfishness and acts of sloth. I believe that as people get older and as generations allow young people to do less active we are becoming more and more lazy. When we get lazy we aren't as likely to help other for no other reason than that it doesn't help us. I believe people should to more to help out the others around them and they shouldn't need to get anything out of it for themselves. If everyone simple did things for others without being selfish and thinking about themselves first the world would run a lot more smoothly and it would be a better place at that.

  15. I think that the greatest wrong that a society can commit is betrayal. When a society begins to not trust in their leaders then they can also not trust their neighbors. If you can't trust the people that are around you then you will have trouble down the road. If you take someone’s trust and throw it away then you are no better person than Judas Iscariot. To me the biggest sin that you can commit is betrayal. When you take someone’s trust then you have taken the right for them to feel safe around you. No one can have a relationship of any kind if there is not trust. By betraying someone you know you take away their confidence in you as well as their other friends because they will start to question everyone they meet after that. No one wants to be hurt more than once.

  16. One of the greatest wrongs society can commit is corruption. The media often takes certain situations out of context, and misleads society, which can give society a horrible reputation. It is wrong because it typically ends up brainwashing people, after all we hear about on the news is talk about violence, crimes, etc. After constantly hearing about negative things through the media all the time, it makes some of us lose faith in society in a way. Corruption is one of the greatest wrongs society can commit because it shows how easily society can be misled, because it makes citizens lose sight on what is important, and causes them to lose trust in our government.

  17. I believe that the greatest wrong a society can commit is the act of being selfish. We were born into a life where we are socialized to believe that the world revolves around us when really we are no where near the center. Our society needs to learn how to act selfless and treat others with love, kindness, admiration and humility. I think if we can all stop thinking about ourselfs all the time, we will be able to stop the disconnect in our society and have time to fix bigger problems.

  18. I think the greatest wrong our society can commit is degrading class division. When all groups of citizens are divided with intent of some being better, overall group unification is created. This is sinful because it touches on the idea of judement, which to me is one of the greatest sins. Judging someone is out of place and often done out of jealousy. I think that it ultimatly just creates more issues in society and will continue to be the difference between the human race, and what the human race could be.

  19. One of the greatest wrongs people of our society can commit is betrayal. Not only does it leave people and companies alone and abandon from your absence, but also betrayal has multiple other sinful acts involved in it. People who betray are also liars, they don't do what they say they were going to do, they don't follow their beliefs. They lie to themselves, other people and companies. Also betrayal is just a rude thing to do and it leaves people feeling abandoned and sad, it hurts people and makes them feel bad.

  20. In my opinion I believe that the greatest wrong our society can commit is betrayal, stealing and lying. All of these wrongs play hand in hand with each other. Betrayal can affect people on a national level if the betrayal is caused in the government system. Betrayal, as Jon Stated perfectly above shows that a person is a liar and that's a sin committed everyday. People who lie and betray others can never be trusted and that's the biggest aspect that most people look for in election, friendships, relationships and marriage. When someone steals it affects company's and trust, and depending on if that individual is confronted or called out they will have issues with those affected by their actions. No one likes a deception, betrayer or stealer. But do these have positive affects on society? I guess it just depends on the situation.

  21. The greatest crime someone in our society can commit is betrayal. Betrayal is the worst sin because it can come in many different ways. One can betray their family, country, or their god. Betrayal can leave you strandad and often in the middle of two sides. Dante believed this was the worst because these people were the ones who lived in purgatory. These people never contributed anything to society. they were just stuck in the middle and never fought for their beliefs. in some wyas you could say that they abandoned themselves.

  22. The greatest wrong that can be done in society is betrayal. Betrayal is the worst because it breaks trust that individuals have, and hurts people in many ways. There are many ways the people can be betrayed that could also include murder or another sin. This means that betrayal is the breaking of trust that a person has in another, and another wrong that could hurt the person in multiple ways. There are multiple wrongs being done, not just one. This is the most destructive sin, and is often most harshly punished in society. Insubordination in the military of government is a form of betrayal, and is harshly punished in todays society. Betrayal is the worst sin because it is destructive in multiple ways.

  23. *I'll talk to you in class as well, because I have a minor concern.*
    I believe that the greatest wrong that one can commit would be any act that deprives another person of a basic human right. A basic right would be something like food, water, shelter, or happiness. When one of these basic rights are violated, a person's life and well-being is threatened, which could lead to death or suffering. I feel as though a situation like this has more of an impact on others than something like lust or even greed and violence, because of the immense amount of suffering which results of something like depriving one of basic amenities.
