Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Hamlet blog post for act one

How does anger define Hamlet as a character and how does anger fuel his life as normal people's live?


  1. Hamlet lets anger define his actions without fully knowing it. He is automatically mad at anyone who is not mourning or tries to stop his mourning for his father, not to mention his swallowed feelings against his uncle's sudden climb to the throne and his mother's risky marriage to Claudius, as well. Because such events have angered him, his decisions are fueled by that of his stressful life to find some closure of his father's death and revenge for the hasty actions caused by Claudius.

  2. Hamlet is defined by anger because he is letting it control every decision he makes. He is angry with his mother for remarrying and he is angry with Claudius for replacing his father. He is letting this anger get in the way of him moving on and that is why months after his father's death he hasn't been able to let go of any of the pain.

  3. Hamlet is defined by anger because he has turned to anger in a time of crisis. He chose to deal with his problems by way of anger, specifically anger at other people. He is angry because no one else is mourning his father, that Claudius has taken over and has killed his father, and that his mother is completely fine with it.He is also letting his anger control him by giving reason to killing Claudius after he hears what his father's ghost has to say.

  4. Since his father’s death, the only motivation Hamlet has is grief and anger at his uncle and mother. Before he knows how his dad died, Hamlet is angry with his mother because she only waited a month after the Kings death to remarry. He is angry at his uncle because he thinks Claudius took his throne. After the Kings ghost tells him what really happened, Hamlets desire for revenge became his drive and motivation. For Hamlet, who is already suicidal with grief, this spark of revenge has revived him and become his only reason to keep on living.

  5. Hamlet is defined by anger because revenge is a off-shoot of anger. Revenge drives certain people to the brink of insanity. He will try to do everything he can to get even with the man that killed his father. Also he will follow this ghost deep into the woods in order to figure out what man murdered his father. Anger is apart of all of our lives because we like to be ignorant to daily situations. We approach each new day with a poor attitude which can ultimately leed to anger and hostility toward others.

  6. With all the anger Hamlet has because of Claudius marring his mother, learning his father was killed by Claudius, it defines him as a person so far. When his emotions take over no longer can we see a correct thinking Hamlet, we see a Hamlet based on anger and emotion. His emotions are so strong they overwhelm him and control him, all he can imagine is seeking revenge on Claudius for what he has done. In our lives we usually let our emotions control us, not thinking of the consequences which may accure, but rather we act on or anger, sadness, or rage immediately. Hamlet definitely has a right to be angry, but to act on that anger may cause further downfall.

  7. Anger defines Hamlet as a character, because there are terrible events going on in his life, and he is angry with the people that he is surrounded by. Several rotten events have been happening which are letting his anger get the best of him, and he still feels pain and greif after what happened to his father. The fact that Claudias betrayed his father infuriated Hamlet, and he is disgusted over his mother's marriage with him. Anger now fuels his life, because he now feels the urge to seek revenge on Claudias for killing his father.

  8. Many events have led Hamlet to become angry. The main on would be Claudias killing his father and taking the throne. I think that this alone can make Hamlet angry enough to let anger define him. I agree that this anger could end up causing or at least starting his downfall throughout the rest of the book.

  9. Hamlet is unfortunately fueled by anger because of the recent tragic events that have occurred in his life. His father died, then his uncle Claudius took the throne from him while also marrying his mom. Then on top of those his father returns as a ghost only to tell Hamlet that Claudius actually murdered him. This increasing the level of angry inside of Hamlet to a point that would seem to fuel him. Thus controlling him to possibly preform sinful activities he might regret later in life and possible after his life. All in all anger lies within Hamlet, making him be a different character then what he normally would be.

  10. Hamlet is defined by anger, given that his actions are fueled by anger, and we are defined by our actions. So far, Hamlet's interactions have been dictated by the anger from the death of his father, and his mother's swift remarriage. Hamlet's inability to let go of his anger will most likely lead to his untimely death. Such a shocking twist. Shakespeare, you've done it again.

  11. Hamlet's anger defines him because anger is quite prevalent in his life right now. Anyone would be pissed if their uncle killed their dad and married their mom. So Hamlet decides to whine and be angry at the world, fueling his decisions, therefore driving him to make poor decisions because they are based on all of his anger, and probably a decision that leads to his tragic demise.

  12. Hamlet lets his anger come out of him when he is talking even to his friends. The recent tragic events have caused him much emotional pain. I feel that Hamlet feels he has been abandoned by his mother when she remarries instead of passing the crown down to him. Then when he talks to the ghost he finds out that the man that his mother just married was the one who killed his father. That is a lot for Hamlet to think about so his anger comes out quicker than most normal people would think to bring theirs out.

  13. Helmet has suffered tragic events, his father dying, his uncle took the thrown and married hamlets mother, then on top of all that He finds that Claudius is the killer. Hamlet is overwhelmed by anger. His anger allows him to stay in Denmark and reveal Claudius as the killer. If it were not for his anger he would of had fleed or killed himself. he has anger with his mom for marriyng his unlce. I believe that his anger wo't lead to his downfall, but his uprising.

  14. Hamlet's personality is shaped around significant events. When the event with the dead king occurs Hamlet becomes angry and decides to take action. Anger is a motivator for Hamlet. He became insprired to bring justice to the kingdom. Whereas most people would already feel an urge to bring justice to the throne, it takes a significant occurence that makes him very angry and confused to take swift action.

  15. Hamlets anger fuels him in many aspects.His rightful place for being the next king of Denmark was robbed from his unlce who married his mother. Claudius, Hamlets uncle, killed his father by poring a liquid substance into his ears. But anger isnt a bad quality to have for Hamlets in his situation. It can drive him to prove to all the people and his mother that the new king is a murderer and a thief. When he gets enough people to believe what is really going on in the kingdom, Hamlet i believe will become the king of Denmark.

  16. Hamlet's anger is the driving force behind all of his actions. He is angered by the fact that the throne should be his and that it belongs to his murderous uncle. He is angered that his mother married his uncle so quickly, and he is angered that the is forced to stay in Denmark. This anger, provokes him to plot a way to seek revenge and initially fake insanity.

  17. Hamlets anger never seizes to stop building, and is a dominant force behind his actions. building blocks to his anger is that his father was killed, his mother remarried her husband's killer (don't know if she is aware that Claudius is the murderer), and he is having issues with Ophelia, and it just keeps growing. This anger building up inside hamlet will possibly drive him to go insane or explode.
